About Paper Theater
The Paper Theater series consists of craft kits that let you build famous scenes
from memorable works of pop culture,
with characters and backgrounds made from precise, laser-cut colored paper and wood.

Three simple steps:
Cut, paste, build
Anyone can create art with a stunning level of depth to it. Simply cut out laser-cut parts, paste them together(,) and assemble the sections!

Beautiful details
made by
laser-cutting technology
Precise laser cuts bring the fine details of characters to life. The warm, gentle colored paper and wood make for perfect display items once they're completed.

The more colorful and detailed the art, the longer the build time. For those who want to lose themselves in the art.
A range of products with a variety of features are available in the Paper Theater series.

Paper craft kits with colored paper that has a warmth to it.
Precise laser cuts
Laser-cut colored paper helps bring out the detail in every scene.
Paper craft with a real sense of depth
Create 3D art by pasting and assembling colored paper.

Cool spherical paper craft kits encased in special capsules
Spherical paper craft
that fits worlds into tiny capsules
Put together layers of paper parts in a spherical shape.
Special capsules offer a unique kind of depth
The front is transparent, while the back is translucent.
Silicon pedestals can be used to display multiple spheres
Using silicon pedestals allows you to display several spheres together.

Cute little paper craft kits in special cases
Cute little paper craft
that fits worlds into special cases
The 60㎟-base cubes mean these can go anywhere.
Designs on the sides, too
Vivid imagery brings characters' worlds to life.
They're also stackable
The more you make and display, the more fun you'll have.

Wood craft kits that will complement any interior
A combination of laser-cut engravings and colored paper
The wood parts are all laser-cut.
Wood craft kits that go with any décor
Combine wood and paper to create art that stands out.

Paper Theater that's a cut above The warmth of wood meets dazzling prints
Gorgeous specially printed wood
The use of printed wood allows for stunning gradations and details.
Utilizes warm wood
The warm vibe of sturdy wood accentuates any room.
Impressive size
The beauty of the prints really shines through in these larger pieces.

Special items required to build Paper Theater
We have a range of special items available, from instruments perfect for building the Paper Theater series, to display cases for showing off your creations.


You will need:
・Utility knife
...and that's it!
Use glue and tweezers specially designed for the Paper Theater series to enhance your experience.

Use a utility knife to separate the parts
The parts have been pre-cut with a laser, so removing them is extremely simple.

Glue parts together to create one sheet
Use tweezers to paste parts together to form a detailed scene.

Once multiple sheets are ready, put them all together
Use joint parts to assemble the sheets in the correct order. Your 3D art is now complete. Just look at that depth!

There are five levels
The more colorful and detailed the art, the longer the build time. For those who want to lose themselves in the art.

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